Affordable Invisible Aligners for Patients in Tampa, FL
It’s just a simple fact that many of your patients with orthodontic issues can’t afford the alignment treatment you recommend. For treatment within their budget, some of your patients may resort to ordering invisible aligners from online retailers. Unfortunately, these at-home systems often prove costly in the long run. Because their design relies on dental impressions only, they don’t straighten teeth as effectively as brand-name systems, which means patients can end up ordering the very expensive aligners they first declined. Sun Dental Labs offers Tampa practices like yours a better solution. We produce affordable invisible aligners that work as effectively as established brands.
Your Patients Will Saves on Lab Fees
As a maker of fixed and removable dental lab products, we design and manufacture these aligners ourselves, so we can offer savings of up to 50% on lab fees. With such a low cost, your patients will be much more likely to accept the alignment treatment you recommend.
Based on Panoramic X-Rays
We don’t rely on dental impressions as many online companies do. Instead, we utilize panoramic X-rays of patients’ root and bone structures to design our invisible aligners. This allows you, the dental professional, to devise a comprehensive treatment plan that you can adjust as necessary.
A Simple Ordering Process
You need no special equipment to order invisible aligners for your patients. Just use your office’s digital scanner to send us your patient’s files. Our digital dental lab team will then provide you with a ClinChek-like plan that you can review and revise an unlimited number of times using our SunClear 3D orthodontic software.
For more information about our invisible aligner systems, contact Sun Dental Labs. We serve practices throughout the Tampa, Florida, area.